Videos coming soon

In my last post, I talked a lot about the crazy rabbit hole I have been dealing with in the garage. Since then, a lot of wires have been sorted and started to get the tornado of a garage cleaned up again. Cleaning often makes the mess not feel as bad as it was.

We have been able to run almost all the new electrical to the south wall and turn it on. Studs have been cleaned of the old hardware and Sheetrock and it is now ready for re-construction. Fire breaks need to be re-added, insulation installed, Sheetrock installed, mud and paint.

That is not the best part. With time and energy starting to get sorted, I was able to spend some time sorting my media files in preparation to start posting again. There are a lot of OLD videos that cover some fun projects. It will take some time to get caught up but it will give you a chance to SEE all of the fun I have been having. Most of these videos will be semi-raw with minimal editing. Pictures will be loaded more often to Facebook so be sure to follow me there. Videos will be loaded here and youtube with links to here on facebook.

As part of the Chaos, I wanted to share one of the busiest weeks we have had since being here or possibly in general. Those of you who know me personally will already know most of this but, recently I was called to serve as the Young men’s president in our ward (volunteer role of overseeing the entire Male youth program both on Sundays and weeknights for our entire religious congregation) and my wife serves as the Secretary for the Young Women’s presidency. The reason this is a big deal is, a little over a week ago this came to a culmination of overlapping activities.

The week was started out with the Cub Scout Day Camp which in our area runs Monday through Friday from 4pm-9pm This activity my son was involved in and needed rides coordinated. That by its self makes for a busy week. Throw in the mix that my wife and daughter were at a Young Women’s camp Starting Tuesday and were going to be gone until Thursday Night. I on the other had had a Young Men’s Camp that started Thursday morning and ran through Saturday afternoon. (are you starting to see the complexity of this week) Oh, and I had to work all week except Friday as well. Then to top it all off, I had only enough time to come back from camp, get cleaned up and then back out the door for a rare opportunity for all of our youth to meet Elder Stevenson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I have only met 2 in my life and one was just by happen-chance.

Needless to say there was a lot of great activities that occurred that week that made the week pass quickly and very busily but, we also needed a lot of rest when it was over to re-coup.

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