Category Archives: Life

This will be more of a blog.. a lot of basic life updates and other boring stuff will be posted here

Dec 19, 2013 Seeking resolution

OK so I don’t know if there is anyone that really reads all these posts and maybe daily is a bit much but.. OH WELL! There is a lot going on and so I have a lot to share.

1997 Blazer = poop! not really but that is the feeling I have right now.. I changed the filter (took a shower in gasoline) … no change. Changed the Regulator… still no change so…. it is the fuel pump! After doing this I was listening to it and it was making some weird sounds so.. I guess that does make sense. That, and I had just filled it up.. Fortunately my Bro-in-Law was in town so we used the mighty 00 Pontiac Montana (minivan) to tow it home, well, kinda home, really to a shop that would fix it because I was too lazy and tired.

As for the roof issue, I got the heat cord and laid it across the ice in hopes it will melt a little down and clear a path so I can eventually install it correctly. In the meantime, it is no longer leaking.

I would ask if “IT” is done but I’d rather not temp fate.. in all reality, non of this has been more than we can handle, it was just a trial.. maybe just so we will see Christmas in a new light this year..


Dec 18, 2013 WHAT? More problems!

Ok so… for those of you that don’t know what is going on, go back and look at past posts.. If you are up to speed, keep reading.

Last night after getting a chance to relax, calming down about the car problems that decided to take place on top of everything else going on, we went to bed. It could not have been more than  just a moment or two of rest before we hear Tap…. tap da da tap tap tap. I thought ” do we have another mouse in our room?”  but it  kept going even after I turned on the lights.. WE HAD SPRUNG A LEAK!  our roof in our room was dripping water.. there was no plumbing in the attic so it had to be the roof.. I did not have time to look at it so I left for work this morning thinking no too much about it.. when I got home, this is what I find in our room. 2013-12-18 19.03.18then I made the mistake of looking up…

2013-12-18 19.03.24

apparently the roof had formed a thick layer of ice on the roof that as it was melting and backing up under the shingles.. FIGURES!

2013-12-18 19.04.07 2013-12-18 19.04.22

so tomorrow I am going to head out and get one of them melt cords  like this one:

Now, I have never used one so this will be my first time and I am only hoping it will work for what we need, trust me, I’ll keep you posted..

on to a different note, my Blazer, I went and picked up a Fuel pressure guage  like so

and gave her a test..

now when I looked up the specs it said that it should have between 55-65 psi.. well that is nothing like what I was getting.. not  even close.. it was a measly 12 psi so I had to pick up a fuel filter and a fuel pressure regulator

I am hoping that it will be be just the fuel filter but, I am guessing that it is the regulator.. that is OK with me because I believe it has been going out for some time.  the only problem is that its location is horrible.

 fuel pressure regulator


right underneath all of the upper components  of the engine.. I should be able to get to in about an hour replace it and then have it put back together another hour. That is, if I get the time, the weather cooperates, and I don’t freeze in the process.

Oh and by the way, my father in law came home today.. I’ll have to do some catch up on that story another time… Wish me luck!

Dec 17, 2013 I got it but not without problems!

Well the day has come and there is a story to tell. So I went to get the said snow blower.. everything looked good, some basic wear and tear but it runs well and in the end they gave it to me for $350.00 instead of $375.00. As I got talking to him I found out he teaches where I went to Junior High so, I got to reminisce a little and then when it was time to go….. the Blazer would not start, Granted the ol’ girl has over 222,###.# miles on it and it has not given me a problem since I got it.  After playing with it, I determined that there was spark and some full pressure (no sure how much) so I am guessing it is the infamous Fuel pressure regulator. gives me a need to buy a fuel pressure gauge HEHEHE **as I rub my hands together with an evil look on my face** need less to say one of the guys from work towed me back to the shop and then I carpooled home and will be driving my wife’s van until I get it fixed. Trust me I will film the process and let you know how it goes..  but HEY,, I got a snow blower! That was the point right!?

Dec 16, 2013 – Opening post

snow blowerIt is another day.. where to start, what to say? Much of my story to this point is still in the past so, many of my posts will contain stories of what has happened, maybe recently, maybe some time ago. Today, as it is, is a Monday. Not just a Monday but another one of those ones that you dread going to work for fear that there really is not all that much to be done so most of your time will be standing around pretending that there is a ton to get done. Meanwhile at home, there really is a ton to get done: Framing in the back room, concrete work, electrical, drywall, flooring, and of coarse, more work to this site. The real problem lies with the timing. All of the above mentioned construction work that is loud we are trying to get done before Wednesday because that is when my Father-in-law gets home from the hospital..(that in its self is a whole other story)

Back to today, there is one thing that I am looking forward to. I am suppose to go look at a Snow blower at lunch.. I have never had one before, always shovels and plows.. The plow was attached to a 12hp riding mower so, it did “OK” but I always felt I needed/wanted something that would move large amounts of snow. Living at my in-laws in Utah, there really is a lot of snow to move.. I will get you more information as I get it..


Welcome to Dilly’s adv.

Welcome to Dilly’s Adventures

Although I am a “Jack of all trades” most of my content revolves around Motor “stuff”  but there is a lot more to me. Formally I was known as Kary1982v6 but due to the obvious complexity in pronouncing as well as remembering I decided it was time to change my online presence. Dilly is a Family nickname that we have started with my dad and has carried on ever since.  This is all about our adventures! Most of what I do will be found here, or at least referenced here with a link to the actual location.

for the purpose of your interests, here is a list of the things that typically covered (somewhat in order of commonality)

1- Motovlogs

2- DIY or Mechanical tutorials

3- Financial tips and tricks

4- Deals or interesting products that I come across.

5- Reviews of Movies, Restaurant and all sorts of things that I encounter.

6- Ahh… this really is not a category but more..  Anything I think might/ might not be beneficial to someone. I’ll be posting it here.