Category Archives: Life

This will be more of a blog.. a lot of basic life updates and other boring stuff will be posted here


I know that this may sound lame but.. This is the first time loading a motorcycle in the back of this truck (it sits pretty high) and the bike I am loading is my Tiger 1050 which is not light or small… or cheap. Needless to say, I am really nervous.


Music Provided by NoCopyrightSounds:
Distrion & Electro-Light – Rubik:


Update October 2015

For those of you that are still following.. My most sincere apology, when starting my business, I believed that there would be adequate time and more material to post but due to the overwhelming interest in the services I offered, that was not that case. Once again, life has taken a new turn and we are starting fresh with a whole new life configuration.. I will say this, I am not making any promises but at this point, my time is looking to be able to add new content on a more regular basis. . I have already started rendering videos showing some of this move and at this point my goal is to produce a video a week with “New” content every Thursday and then at random, i’ll add in some of the video files  that I have recorded in the past in hopes to finish out some of the play lists that I have already been working on.

With this change, I will be considering removing the restaurant review section since i will not be able to update the existing reviews. I debate about keeping the movie reviews active.. that said, most of the content will be based on time and feedback I get from you!   In addition to the adventures, my Mechanic site ( will be used for the details on repairs that I do or anything designed for Mechanical/ handyman repair tutorials..    Thanks again for  all of the support you offer as we move forward in, once again, a new direction..

Imbalanced at work

Career-ServicesI recently read this article (the one below) while at lunch at my full time job. I took this job, feeling it was a great opportunity to be part of something bigger. A time to advance my career in the automotive world and utilize ALL of my skills. After working there for a about a year and a half, there was a feeling that things were not as they should be. As the article notes, there are 7 major signs, I noticed that basically all of them fit the way I felt. As I discussed the future of my career and what options we felt we had with my wife I realized that the section titled “Challenge in absent” hit me the most. Most of my working life I have spent looking for a position where my skills were all being challenged. As I would work for a company, over time I would notice that because I was good at the one particular thing that I was hired for, I would be isolated to doing just that. The excitement of a new job would keep me going for a while until, but it was not long, the day would come that I would be focused on one area.  My soul would feel like it was dying as all of the other skill sets I have worked so hard to develop over the years would remain “At home”. It has taken years to isolate this area of frustration, feeling that it was just a change in my job. The excitement had died and resentment filled its place. Where is it that I could exercise all of my skills in a productive career developing way?

Over 2 years ago, I started a small business performing light automotive services because of a job loss. I did not realize it at that time but I was on the right path. Within a very short time I took the job I mentioned above for the fear on insecurity in my finances. As the pattern exists, I was excited to be in a new role. I worked my way up the ladder and within a short time I was back to doing one thing and the dying feeling began to set in. Finally realizing the pattern of frustration, I started looking for a solution until it hit me (some inspiration involved, I’m sure)  I needed to re-launch my small business. Not limiting me to the light services but open it up to all of the areas I am comfortable with. Not only was I now exercising all of my skills, I have taken on the challenge of finding a way to make them all work together.  Now I am sure that the “Initial excitement” is still taking its toll on this option as well but I am hopeful that this is a long term solution.

All that being said, this is my question. If you are a “Jack of all trades” or have skills over a wide spectrum of arenas, is there a way to be an employee and not have to suffer from imbalance or is Self-employment  the only way to go?


Here is the article that I read:


7 Very Telling Signs Your Job is a Poor Fit

Oct 29 2014

By: Dr. Marla Gottschalk


At some point in our work lives, many of us will find ourselves in the wrong job. (I hear of this quite often.) Specific fault can be difficult, and likely futile to assign. However, one day you may look around to find that your work life is dangerously out of sync. Nothing is more alarming than throwing yourself into your role — and realizing things have taken an obvious turn. The important element here? Identifying the problem for what it really is (in very short shrift), and acting to make changes. Poor matches do happen. Jobs morph. Great bosses move on. We grow and change. Any of these could serve as a contributing accelerant.

So, make every attempt to let yourself off the hook and avoid a long-term “soul sucking” experience. Poor fit is a very common — and it is important to recognize its symptoms.

Here are a few signs worth notice:

  • You feel lost.Have you experienced the classic nightmare where you arrive at class on exam day, only to realize that you’ve not purchased the textbook? This certainly should not be your work life experience during waking hours. If tasks or projects leave you feeling unprepared, take note: Something is off.
  • Your strengths aren’t being tapped. Ultimately work should align with our strengths. However, if your weaknesses seem to have taken center stage — it’s unlikely you’ll stay energized for the long haul. Have a conversation about this soon as possible.
  • Challenge is absent. Certainly, work is about task completion. It is our responsibility to make that happen on a daily basis. However, if opportunities to enhance your skill set are completely absent, this can be a key problem. If you feel as if you are “standing still” skill-wise, it’s time to broach the topic with your boss. Remember — “withering on the vine” is not a viable career strategy.
  • You feel disconnected.Does it feel as if the team is clearly on one page and you are on another? Whether you work in customer service, sales or consulting — if you do not identify with the vision of the organization, the person-job match may be off. If you see yourself as an island (and everyone is speaking an entirely different “language”), it may be time to explore a change.
  • You can’t seem to complete anything. Does every project seem pointless and your motivation is at a low? Are you dealing with looming deadlines with a blank screen continually staring back at you? Enough said.
  • You are in avoidance mode.Be honest — the process of going to work is excruciating. If you had your druthers, you would never set foot in the office again. If you’ve tried to make things work and simply cannot envision a future for yourself in your role, you have a serious problem.
  • You are in blame mode.You certainly can own the part of the problem that you’ve controlled (you’ve ignored your “inner voice”, for example). However, guaranteed, there were plenty of other factors in play. The bottom line is this: It’s time to act. Blame doesn’t help things resolve — only a plan to move forward will.

Over the years, I’ve heard these issues expressed many times. They are clear indicators that something needs to change. It’s critical to address the issues with your supervisor, trusted mentor or career professional. Remember, fit is imperative to remain engaged long-term.

What are we teaching?

Panhandling vs lemonaid

Although the question of what we are teaching society around us seems irrelevant, it is very much all of our responsibly to do this teaching  through our actions. We teach what is acceptable and what is not. A small example that I came across the other day had me in tears because it is so saddening..

Let me give you a little history on why I feel the way I do.  Pan handling for example, I do not condone.  There is always work to be done.  The place that my dad worked most of my growing years hired disabled individuals from blind, physically unable to do certain things or even able to use parts of their bodies. I find those that say that they cannot find work, really are not looking or are not humble enough to take the work that is offered.

Another example of this was while my dad worked at this same company. He would usually make the effort to offer panhandlers jobs when he saw them.. some took the offer but one in particular would always refuse. After several offers, my dad and his co-worker followed this individual when he left “his corner”   they only had to follow him a few blocks until they realized he lived in a nice middle class home with a nice car in a nice neighborhood.  Maybe this occurrence ruined me or maybe it just taught me a lesson.. later the thought was confirmed when a co-worker of my own said for fun he tried panhandling. He went to a typical corner with a typical cardboard sign and stood there for a few hours to see what would happen. After realizing he was making well over $40.00 an hour, he had the understanding why many do this, it was not because they could not work, it was because they would make more money if they did not.

What is it about this that bothers me so much. Maybe it is because we are teaching these people that it is easier to take handouts than it is to make an honest living, or maybe is was the experience that I had the other day that ground this very principal into my mind.  I was on the way to the store to get some parts for a project I was working on. I took the route I always do but being early summer, there were a lot of people out and about. On one block, I passed a panhandler who, from the time I saw them to the time I passed, had several cars hand them money. Yes, I find this a little upsetting but what made it even worse was that around the corner and down a block or to on the same type of busy road were three little girls out selling lemonade. Using that great entrepnuer spirit they were out waving signs, yelling out offers to cars as they drove past, and anything they could do to safely get the attention of any potential customer. As I drove past I was excited for them and felt that I would get some change and stop on my way back past. Both the first time I passed as well as the entire time I was driving the other way (keeping in mind that from the other direction they were visible for a long way) I did not see one single car stop. As I pulled into the parking lot behind where they were set up. I stopped a little way away so I could get the change out before approaching them. They, being super ambitious came to where I had stopped to ask if I would like some lemonade for 75 cents. I said yes, handed them the change and they brought me a full glass of GOOD lemonade.  As I drove away with my refreshing beverage, I thought to myself, the lady only a block or so away doing nothing more than holding a sign was making almost twice what I was making as an educated employee while, our children, the future of our country make almost nothing while working as hard as they can to offer something of value to those who would donate to their cause.

So again, I ask, what are we teaching those in our society? Are we teaching them to “work hard for what you want, have pride in the things you do, respect yourself and others, be a responsible person” or are we teaching them “don’t worry about working hard, someone will just give you what you want; handouts are great because you can get something for nothing and there is no better deal than that”  I would have to say the latter of the two. That in mind, where will that put our society, our neighborhood, our country if we keep up promoting this mentality? Eventually those that do work hard for the things they have will tire of supporting those that don’t and they will start wanting handouts themselves. With no one working hard anymore who will be doing the handing out? Who will be the ones making sure that people are taken care of?  Think about what you are doing every day. Are you promoting a society that is self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves or a society dependent on someone to take care of them because they do not believe in making an honest living.


**JACK PINS** engineering a way to make it more stable while it is on its jacks and not the trailer

Check out my site for all of our content on our website: DILLYSADV.COM


Name of the track: Robo-Western
Artist of the track: Kevin Mac Leod (
Direct URL of the track: Mac Leod
Link to online license terms:
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0






**PROPANE MOUNTS** Building the area where the Propane tanks will be mounted. I wanted it to look nice so I put in a little extra work into cutting the angles using one of my most commonly used metal working tools – my cut off saw..  They are a bit but here is a good one with a reasonable price if you are looking →

Check out my site for all of our content on our website: DILLYSADV.COM


Name of the track: Robo-Western
Artist of the track: Kevin Mac Leod (
Direct URL of the track: Mac Leod
Link to online license terms:
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


Pitch Perfect


Rating: PG-13
Run Time: 1 hour 52 Minutes
Type: Romance / Music
Dilly Rating: Watch once
Language: This one has the typical amount of PG-13 language, I do not recall the F-Bomb at all though.
Main Charcters: Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson , Brittany snow, Skylar Astin, Anna Camp, Elizabeth Banks, Alexis knapp, hana Mae Lee, Adam DeVine, Ester Dean, Ben Platt, Kelley Jakle, Utkarsh Ambudkar, John Micahel, Drew Seeley, C.J. Perry, Freddie Stroma, Cameron Stweart, Christopher Mintz-plasse, Shelley Regner, Wanetah Walmsley, Jacob Wysocki, jinhee Joung, Brock Kelly, Kether Donohue
Release Date: September 28,2012Summary: College student Beca (Anna Kendrick) knows she does not want to be part of a clique, but that’s exactly where she finds herself after arriving at her new school. Thrust in among mean gals, nice gals and just plain weird gals, Beca finds that the only thing they have in common is how well they sing together. She takes the women of the group out of their comfort zone of traditional arrangements and into a world of amazing harmonic combinations in a fight to the top of college music competitions.OK, This is one of those time that pure honesty may have to be key.. I have seen this movies previews and my wife was against watching it because it  doesn’t fit her like would, I was OK with with that since it appeared to be more of a “Chick flix” but with the new one coming out soon so I watched it and truly enjoyed it. so.. on to the reviewYes, this is one of “those” Competition movies. The underdog comes through again. A lot of the reason I enjoy this is the “Live” musical performances (Yes I know that they are not truly live, in fact I know that the music is not even really being performed here at all). There is a perfect mix of characters to make this funny and quirky all at once.. I am sure, even though most will not admit it, we can all find our selves in one of the characters. This one was defiantly worth a watch.. not so much Theater worthy or purchase worthy unless Accapella is your thing.(if you like this review- please share by clicking the pink share button at the top)
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It has been a while since I got this but not much has happened since I got it.. I figured it was time to show what I got and get this thing started.


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• link to the video:
• title of the track: Tobu – Mesmerize [NCS Release]